Friday 30 August 2013

Carbohydrates and Petrol

Most people nowadays have a car. And I bet on a regular basis you fill it up. You drive to the petrol station, and put enough in it to either a) get you too and from your destination with a bit extra or b) you keep filling until it makes a clicking sound and you can't fill no more. And that is how you should treat carbohydrates.Your muscles need the energy that carbohydrates provide, they provide the energy that enables them to move. For basic brain function you need around a minimum of 100grams per day. To put it into perspective that's about 2-3 slices of bread. Roughly an average male should have around 250g-300g a day based on 2500 calories. I say roughly because there's a lot of other factors that need taking into consideration to make it accurate. E.g. physical activity level.

Treat carbohydrates as you do petrol. Put enough in before the start of your day and less at the end of your day, exactly like your car. So eating carbohydrates in the morning is good because you will use that energy throughout the day, the same as you would put petrol in your car before your journey. Most people do the opposite, their biggest meal is after 6pm. That's the same as filling your car up and then not using it. It makes little sense. It only takes making minor adjustments, like having a small handful of rice, cutting out bread after 6pm, reducing your portions of pasta and so on. You will actually find if you reverse it a little you will have much more energy during the day. So remember carbohydrates are like petrol, don't overfill your tank, and fill up before your journey.

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