Wednesday 2 October 2013

Parking your bad experiences in the past

Bad experiences can shape your whole life. They can effect your future and everything that you do. Most people never let them go but using simple Hypnotherapy techniques we can help to park them. The technique involves making you go back to past events in your life. There's a certain feeling that you feel in a new situation that makes you feel "strange". Only you can understand it, its probably indescribable. It could make you feel sick, shy, uneasy, unhappy, scared or any number of feelings.

All you know is you feel it and it's holding you back. Using a technique called timeline we ask you to imagine two weeks from now, a year from now, an event in the future. Five years from now, ten years from now and so on. We then ask you to go back to your first memory. Your 5th birthday, your 10th birthday, your first day at secondary school and so on. What you are creating is a visible timeline in your mind that you can hover above and move forwards and backwards.

We then ask you to remember that feeling, turn up the volume and the intensity until it is higher than normal. As this reaches it peaks we ask you to go back to the first time you felt this feeling. Its amazing where it leads. Its important that you observe the memory from the left, you can see yourself and the memory can play out. You observe it from behind a glass pane and no feeling are involved. You are then asked to go back to the next memory you felt this feeling, its more difficult but you find it. And then again.

You find yourself remembering that feeling further back than you could ever be aware of without hypnotherapy. You often find that what you thought was a feeling as a result of one experience was actually something completely unrelated. Once we have all the instances we ask you to think of all your experience, the wisdom you have gained, all the things you have learnt over your life and to put it into a bag.

The next part sees you going back to each experience and passing over everything you now know in the future that would have helped you back then. You do this from the right again behind a glass pane. Some people find it easier to talk to the younger version of themselves. Finally we get all those negative feelings put them into a balloon, blow it up with all our emotions and release it into the air.